Finding new customers is always a challenge for those who started their business newly. Today we are talking about the fastest and least expensive ways to find new customers for your business.
Social Media is the best way to find new customers and brand awareness. Social Media is the communication where people create, share or exchange ideas and information on web. There are 79% of companies currently engaged or planning to use social networks like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
There are more than 1 billion Facebook users worldwide, 400 million tweets every day sent by Twitter users, so if you are using these social networking sites you get large amount of customers. For growing their social media presence, create & share valuable content that inspires, informs or assists people, says Guy Kawasaki.
Here are few tips that can help you to grow your business:
Monitor Your Brand
There are large numbers of conversations happening daily online across social networking sites and many of these conversations are about various brands on the market, both good and bad. There are many tools available freely or low-cost that allows you to track what’s being said about your business. As you know 400 million tweets are sent per day, TweetDeck allows you to track certain words like your business name and you know what people say about your business. This can help you to convert a prospect into a loyal customer by solving a complaint or issue.
Host a Contest
Contests are a great way to boost your followers and engagements. But before hosting a contest you have to be strategic about what you are offering as a prize. You have to offer a great prize that can attract people to enter your contest. It could be related to your business or something new and attractive. And try to make your contest viral by building an auction to share the contest to their social network or inviting friends for an additional entry.
Know your Audience
By asking to your social network followers, relevant questions about what they want from the product or service your business offers. This can help you to get cheap market research for your company. This can help you to improve your product and service. Click here to check it.
Engaged with User
Respond to all the users’ comments or feedbacks. Don’t ignore negative feedback, addressing them can help you to convert unsatisfied customer into an impressed brand ambassador. Live Chat is another way to interact and engage with fans. Addressing their bad experience or issues can help to turn those consumers into promoters.