Saving Money With Your Cars Fuel



I spend a lot of time in my car, so fuel is always a concern. Saving money used to be my primary focus but now because of the new technologies centered on fuel economy all I need to know is that I have enough fuel to get where I need to be. A great proportion of people use rental cars from dealerships. Fuel spending can be reduced by getting a rental car that is fuel efficient. Cars like the Accent by Hyundai, Focus by ford, Prius by Toyota, and Altima by Nissan are popular choices.

Taking a trip in a car that is four cylinders is less expensive than taking the same trip in a car with eight cylinders. While you will be giving up some luxuries like faster speed and more leg room you can potentially save money on insurance and road tax. The wonderful thing about people is that we can adjust to just about anything. I once saw a man who was six feet tall in a little red car. It literally looks as if he were stuffed in it. However when he parked across from us in the mall parking lot he simply just popped out of that car like it was no problem. Everybody wants to save on fuel.

Cars are built differently when it comes to fuel consumption. For example, driving a car up a hill will cost more money. so to turn this expense into a saving when you go down the hill and do not press on the fuel pump, just coast and enjoy the breeze. There are so many ways to save on fuel with your car. Regular maintenance and tune-ups will add to the life of the car. However, changing your oil at regular intervals is probably the best thing that you can ever do to save money.

Most people do not realize how much you can save on fuel by having good tires and your wheels balanced. I had this car that had okay, gas mileage, but when I went to get new tires on it I noticed almost immediately that I was getting a little more bang out of my fuel usage. It is true; a worn tire will cost you more money than a well-treaded tire in much better condition. The reason for this is because more tire rotation on a worn tire causes the car to use more power getting you to where you need to be.

Another way to save money on fuel with your car is by getting a fill-up instead of just a few liters at a time. The more air that is in your fuel tank, the more room for the fuel to move around, as the air evaporates the water out of the fuel which in turn lowers the burning ability of fuel. All this means is that now the fuel has to work harder to getting your car moving. Amazing right!

The best part about saving money on my private car, or rental car, is that all of the actions to save money have been built into the car already. So my only worry is where I am headed. The savings is in the technology and also in the design of the car.