
google nexux 7

Nexus 7 Officially Available In India Via Google Play Store For Rs. 15,999

Google Inc. began selling its Nexus 7 tablet in India Tuesday. The 7-inch tablet, Nexus 7, has been listed on the

  • News
  • March 26, 2013

PC users to spend $ 22 billion battling malware: Microsoft

Computer users will spend 1.5 billion hours and $ 22 billion identifying, repairing and recovering from the impact of malware,

sergey brin ted talk

Watch Sergey Brin’s Discussion On Google Glass And The Emasculating Smartphone At TED

  Earlier in the month we reported about Sergey Brin co-founder Google talked about Google Glass & The Emasculating Smartphone


Google’s Android Unit Is Reportedly Working On A Smartwatch

The smartwatch seems to be the next-big thing in the tech world. Apple and Samsung reportedly working on next-generation smartwatches,

aakash tablet
  • News
  • March 22, 2013

Aakash Tablet Hits Snag

The fate of the much touted low- cost computing device Aakash looks uncertain with the government on Friday conceding that

  • News
  • March 22, 2013

India Plans US-Like Information Sharing To Alert Cyber Attacks

With terrorists and unfriendly countries using the world wide web to mount attacks, India is planning to set up a


Why Are Keyboards QWERTY?

The arrangement of the first six letters in the top alphabet row of a standard keyboard – QWERTY – goes


Happy 7th Birthday, Twitter

The popular social media site Twitter is celebrates its 7th birthday today with a video showing a short history of

Google Keep

Google Unveiled Its Evernote Rival Service Google Keep

Google launches a new app similar to Evernote, Google Keep. Few days ago a rumor leaked about this app and now Google


Monitor Your Bike’s Location On A Map Using Your Phone Or Computer

A new GPS device for bike owners has just launched on Kickstarter, called The BikeSpike. If you’ve ever had your

Eric Schmidt Google Executive Chairman

Google Planning A $50 (Rs. 2,700) Android Smartphone, Says Eric Schmidt

At the Guardian’s Big Tent Activate India event, Google’s executive chairman, Eric Schmidt said that the day is not far


Google Is Looking To Bring All Its Communications Products Under Babble

Google is looking to combined its all communication services into a single product, which is expected to be called Babble,


Good Vibrations: An Intricately Carved Cabinet Looks Like a Digital Glitch

Ferrucio Laviani’s Good Vibrations cabinet blends traditional furniture design with a thoroughly modern “glitch” aesthetic to stunning effect. Lavini’s piece


Web Pioneers Win Inaugural $1.5 MN Engineering Prize

Five engineers who helped create the Internet were on Monday awarded a $1.5 million prize which British organisers hope will