Share your New Year Resolution with world using Google’s New Year resolutions interactive map


Google Zeitgeist

Need help carrying out your New Year’s resolution? There’s a map for that: Google has created an interactive geographic resolution tracker, to remind you that you are not struggling alone.

To participate, head to Google’s Zeitgeist page. Watch the resolutions pop up all over the map then, if you’re feeling inspired, click the button to add your own resolutions. Once you enter the resolution (along with your postal codes and country name), you select a category such as love, health or career.

One of the neat things about Google’s brainchild is that it allows users to enter resolutions in their native languages and then automatically translates them for others around the world.

The page allows you to filter through people’s contributions, with categories including health, career, love, finance and family.

The global resolutions page appears as part of Google’s Zeitgeist 2012 site, which looks at the past year according to online search trends.

If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution for 2013, how about adding it to the map – or check out what others have posted if you’re in need of some inspiration. That wine tasting one sounds like a good idea.

Have you submitted your New Year’s resolution for 2013 share with us using comment.