Link to


At VividTimes we love to share our images and articles with our readers. As such, we encourage all users, members, webmasters and bloggers to link to any page in any fashion they like.

You can link to Vividtimes using any linking technique you’d like, but to make your job easier, we offer the following tips on ways to link to our site:

Add a Text Link to the Vividtimes Homepage

The easiest solution is adding a basic text link to the VividTimes homepage. To add to your blog or website, copy/paste the following HTML:

<a href=””></a>

Link Directly to Your Favorite Articles, Photos or Your Profile Page

When linking to a VividTimes article page, we recommend that you name the link with the name of the article. The link might go to but the user would see Wikipedia lunching travel site’s Wikivoyage soon. The HTML for this would look like:

<a href=””>Wikipedia lunching travel site’s Wikivoyage soon</a>